A Largest Group of Socially Active Non-Profit Organization’s of India

NGO Registration

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Indian Non-Profits


National NGO Federation is a platform of NGO Volunteers Services to provide Volunteers to NGOs. The Volunteers who wish to work in India for NGO (Non-Profit Organisations) can apply for Volunteership through our network. We only recognize verified NGOs for Volunteers. Volunteers provide a short time or for long time it must be utilized for real social work.
If any NGO wants to get recognition and approval for Volunteer services and any other kind of help and support services, they can email us. Volunteer from India and out of India who want to provide social voluntary service in India applies or contact to serve the society through NGO.
Volunteering is a social service activity to provide your time freely to help people, community and the society. Volunteers do not expect for payment or economical gain but they can contribute time and resources.
Volunteering can be provided through the Voluntary organisations and NGO in different sectors on different issues. Volunteering can be provided with the organisations already working in the area of your interest or the Volunteers can form their own Voluntary organisation, group or forum. If you want to do volunteering then you do not have to register your group or organisation because volunteering is social service based on ethical and welfare parameters.
Volunteering can help others and it creates a network among the persons of various sectors of society. You can improve your talent and social skills during the volunteering service. There is no age limit of volunteership, but in most cases for the minor volunteers consent of parents is required. Volunteers can achieve the status of social activist and satisfaction by providing time without any economic return and benefit.
As a regular volunteering part persons who wish to serve the society can give and share their time with NGOs working with different programmes. In case of natural calamity like flood or casualties like accident many persons contribute their time to improve the conditions of affected area and situation.
International Volunteers
International Volunteers from out of India who are interested to provide Volunteering Service in India may apply for Volunteership.
Please visit Volunteer Service website: for more information regarding Volunteering in India through NGOs for various social issues, social objectives and welfare purpose.

Indian Volunteers
National NGO Federation is registering full time and part time Indian volunteers for NGOs.
Suitable volunteer’s CVs may be forwarded to our verified associated NGOs time to time, whenever they have opportunities or openings in their projects.
Please send your C.V. along with the latest passport size photograph.
Please also mention your specific area of interest and expertise. We can inform you by mail or SMS about the current openings.
The Volunteer Service is presently free and support is available.
We invite Indian NGOs for new membership of National NGO Federation Volunteer portal.
NGOs can register for new membership and can mail us for your requirements.
Volunteers provide their time for social work according to their suitable time. We can connect NGOs with suitable volunteers with certain time frame.
After receiving your application we shall ask for verification if needed.
Support for this service is available through email and telephonic communication. You can make telephone calls for Volunteering service.
Not for Commercials
The volunteer service is neither for the private sector nor for the people who need manpower to their commercial products or services, whether it is operated in the name of non-profit company. So please excuse us to not attend you.
And the persons who want job in NGO can go to this link of NGO Jobs and find job opportunities in NGO. Please do not communicate for Jobs with us.

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