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NGO Website Design Concept

Design NGO Website Attract and Useful for Donors and Volunteers

In present era most people are using the web and internet frequently and regularly. Either you have to show the existence, performance and the achievements of the programmes and activities of your NGO or your target market includes baby boomers and beyond that, it’s important to tread carefully into web waters.

Know what you want

  • You have to pick the expert web designer that has experience designing for the target audience.
  • Visit other web sites targeted to the same demographic, and make notes of what you like and don’t like.
  • Then share those thoughts with your designer. (For this You can contact Web Designer Experts of Social sector Madhaw NGO Consultancy)

Know about target website visitors

  • At the time of designing website keep in mind that many people may experience a decline in vision, due to a reduction in the amount of light that reaches the retina, a loss of contrast sensitivity, and a loss of ability to detect fine details.
  • Certain cognitive abilities are also compromised, such as comprehending text and remembering new information.
  • Keeping your site content readable, well-spaced, and uncluttered will go a long way in dealing with all of these challenges.

Content must clearly presented in website

  • Choose a crisp, clear typeface in the website of your NGO. Use a sans serif font, such as Helvetica or Arial, or a standard serif font, such as Times New Roman. Keep away from condensed, complicated serif, or decorative typefaces in general, as they can be difficult to read.
  • Size matters. Use a 12 point font at a minimum, and consider stepping up to 14 point. Otherwise, provide a option for visitors to enlarge the type themselves.
  • Avoid plain type. Use medium to bold type to really speak your message and classify your contents used to describe about your programmes and profile.
  • Keep it simple. Leave the underlining for links, limit the use of all capital letters and italics to headlines, and utilise upper and lowercase letters to deliver your content.
  • Double-space your subject matter, as single spacing is often difficult for even the best eyes to read. As a matter of fact, for people with failing vision, spacing between lines of text should be at least 25 to 30 percent of the point size, as many people with sight problems have difficulty finding the beginning of the next line.
  • Left-justify all content, which allows an even left margin, and uneven right margin. This justification is most favorable for readers.
  • Keep choice of readers in mind, and carefully consider the use of colour and contrast.
  • Stay away from patterned backgrounds, as they can irritate the reader and make it difficult to discern the text. In new designs there are some certain attractive backgrounds and front end design to select that visual design can be useful to keep your visitors for desired time to know about the profile in your website.
  • Contrast is key to readability for an older reader and it’s hard to beat black and white. Try to implement different colours only for headlines, borders and accents.
  • Avoid using yellow, blue and green together, as they don’t provide the clarity or contrast you want your visitors to see.

Write understandable original and clear content

  • What matters most is the content of your website, as it defines and explains well about your NGO profile and what you want to give message to the readers and visitors at your website.
  • Use positive statements and avoid negative or confrontational content that seeks to get a rise out of the reader in an attempt at a call to action.
  • Avoid fancy vocabulary and just give it to them straight. At the same time, don’t be too casual or conversational, as you want to maintain a professional approach.
  • The well experienced expert Consultant can guide clearly, prepare well and exact required contents for your website according to your presence and status of your NGO on internet and web media. You can consult with Madhaw NGO Consultancy in this regard at
  • How the content is presented it also matters to represent your organisation’s website.
  • Organise the content into ‘bites’ Keep paragraphs to two or three sentences each, and limit the number of paragraphs to three or four per web site page.
  • Avoid copy paste contents. Many cheap service providers just copy and paste the contents, that will be negatively affect your website at search engine part; because the copy of others already used and prepared matter is illegal.
  • If your website is with duplicate content then it can be blocked at search engine so there will be the negative effect of the budget you use for the website, no matter it is used less but adversely affect to your web status and harmful in spite of the required decided target benefits to your organisation.
  • Employ active voice over passive, to give your content the pizzazz you need to differentiate yourself form your competitors.
  • Your NGO’s profile should be well explained so the supporters, funding agencies, volunteers and beneficiaries can read and know well about the activities, programs, workings area, priority objectives and social sectors your organisation is working with. NGO expert consultant can help you as the desired requirement in this regard.

Limit your bells and whistles

  • The more you have, the longer the site takes to download. Those downloading minutes are precious, as a reader who has to wait will likely click off and go on to some other site that is easier to download. Limit pictures and animation to necessary, related images that help convey the written word.
  • Avoid buttons and neon banners because the website viewer perceives these design elements as ‘shouting’ and will quickly click to the next site.
  • Keep audio and video segments short, and offer a text alternative for people who have older computers or who simply want to read the message and skip the ‘presentation’.
  • If you can’t live without an impressive site introduction, extend a ‘skip intro’ offer to the viewer.
  • Once you get your prospect to the site, keep him there with an easy-to-maneuver format. Keep the navigation simple and clear-cut.
  • Use large buttons that don’t involve exact mouse movement.
  • Stay consistent with a standard page design and site map, and utilise the same icons throughout the site.
  • Provide a large clickable button for donations. Label it clearly with ‘Give Now’ or ‘Donate Here’. It should lead to an easy-to-understand page that provides a secure credit card and payment option.
  • For the sate payment process your site must follow the e-commerce parameters for secure payment options by sing SSL Certificate to ensure reliability of your website and the domain. Web designer and developer company can better guide and provide solution for this common applicable option.
  • Allow the viewer to get to any page from any page on the site, including the ability to return to the home page at any time. Use ‘previous’ and ‘next’ page functionality for easier site maneuvering.
  • Avoid drop-down menus if possible, as well as automatically scrolling text if it is not necessary. Well experienced consultant better guide and provide the solution with worth of the cost you are utilising for your website. Always cheap solution can not be the value to your expenses used for the website and future usabilities that you have planned for.
  • Provide a way to subscribe to your newsletter by email. Getting information by email is easy and familiar to people. They happen to use email quite a lot.
  • Offer an Email, WhatsApp message and phone option for any questions, comments or problems or further required communication.
  • As with any communications endeavor for your organisation, you can’t put too much emphasis on delivering a well-crafted message that truly speaks to your target audience
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