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Haryana is the developing northern state of the India and the union territory Chandigarh is the capital of Haryana. Farming is the major source of earning for the population of Haryana. The cities of Haryana have great importance in history of the India. Panipat is well known in history for the wars of Panipat and Kurukeshtra is also famous from the religious point of view in Hindu religion. The lifestyle of the population of Haryana is still same as from last many decades in villages and the same touch can also be seen in the cities. Haryana is a growing industrial state.The major cities of Haryana are developing cities. The socio-economic status of the cities is improving from last few decades.

Haryana cities such as Noida, Gurgaon, Sonipat, Panipat and others are the leading industrial hub of Haryana. As the cities are developing and the job oppurtitunties increased a large number population of villages’ migrated towards cities for earning, but the major source of earning for villagers is still farming. The standards of living of upper stratum of population are good enough.On the other hand, there are number of villages in Haryana and backward tribes also. The socio-economic status of this stratum is very poor. In the same state major portion of the population from underdeveloped villages is facing deadly conditions. The lives of the villagers as well as tribal people are very tough especially to those who belong to the dalit and scheduled tribes. No facilities are provided to them in villages. They are not aware about the schemes of government launched for them. The literacy rate is very low. Basic facilities like water, sanitation, education, electricity, transport facility in backward tribes are the major problems of their lives. One hand the cities are developing day by day and on the other hand the people do not have toilet facilities at their home, they use to go outside in fields and sacred open areas.

In Harayana not only in villages but also in cities, the people of slums are facing almost same conditions.The condition of the women in such kind of places is as like as in hell. There is no social security and safety for women. Women and girl child is literally prone to explotation. The self respect and self esteem of the women is runnied by the ruling class people. Every day the women of India faces number of problems to survive but their problems increased more being from tribes.
The earning methods are daily based labor, farming in the fields of the upper stratum people where the women faces physical exploitations in the form of more work and less pay then the men, sexual harassment and economic explotation by not paying them salary(wages not to be paid at time or giving them wages after unnecessary deduction). Facing harassment became the part of their daily life, women came out from the home for work with a fear that how many times she will have to face harassment on road side, at work place and even at home? How many times she has to be get raped by the eyes steering them?

Other societal evils are child labor, child marriages, suicides by the poor peasants, deaths due to dowry, domestic violence, drug addiction, female feticide etc. No government facilities and schemes reach to their doors whether these are related to education, health and shelter of the people or in any other context. No governments bother for the conditions of such underprivileged tribes and villages. Due to the lower literacy rate the health related issues are more and number of deaths due to diseases is higher than the natural deaths especially in the cases of pregnant women, newborns and under 5 children. The problems are not ending there, tribal women are prone to acquire sexually transmitted diseases, UTIs, RTIs and high risk pregnancies and there suicidal tendencies are very high as compare to the men.

Role and Goals of NGOs in Haryana on Social Development Issues


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