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Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Andhra Pradesh

On the Social Development through Non Governmental Organisations/ Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs) Andhra Pradesh is one of the leading states of India. In Andhra Pradesh the NGOs are most actively working on various programmes, activities and Projects. The Andhra Pradesh NGOs are actively participating on welfare issues has have achieved a remarkable status in social sector of India.In Andhra Pradesh various Non Governmental Organizations/Non-Profit Organisations/ Volunteer Organisations are running for people welfare and Social Development. These NGOs/NPOs are helping the needy persons. Most of Non Governmental Organizations/ Non Profit Organisations/ Volunteer Organisations are functioning for Children and women development, Social awareness, Education & Literacy, Disaster Management, Legal Awareness & Aid, Differently Abled persons, Poor and needy people betterment, Safe Drinking Water, Urban and Rural sanitation, Health & Family Welfare, Urban and Rural Development, Environment & Forests, Agriculture, Art & Culture, Biotechnology, Chronic Disease, Vocational Training, Shelter, Human Rights, deprived and backward people Alleviation, Malnutrition problems, Natural resources, Dairying & Fisheries etc.Many NGOs/NPOs are running programmes for basic development and infrastructure facilities for education, health care, drinking water, housing, sustainable development of forests and other natural resources. These organizations are organizing awareness campaigns for tribal communities regarding their basic rights, general awareness, exploitation, socio-economic development and self-governance. Government is running many projects with the help of NGOs/NPOs/VOs for safe drinking water and rural sanitation, awareness programmes for child marriage, dowry and human trafficking. Some NGOs/NPOs/VOs are working on issues of the proper use of natural resources.
NGOs/NPOs/VOs are working with urban people, rural people and tribal in backward areas for complete development of children and women. NGOs are working towards many social and challenging issues and helping kids and women for fighting against early marriage, dowry etc. Government, NGOs/NPOs/VOs are working to help people in Andhra Pradesh.
In Andhra Pradesh NGOs/NPOs/VOs are conducting various training programmes in schools and training centres for youth, girls, women for self employment, capacity building and development. Some NGOs/NPOs/VOs are running training programmes in the tribal area on health, education, child development and women development issues, providing career guidance for technical education to enhance their living standard.Many NGOs, NPOs, VOs are functioning motivational centres for working children, child labors and other school dropout children to provide education. Trafficking of children, girls and women linked to migration, poverty, debt and social tolerance of human trafficking.
In State many NGOs/NPOs are working for Skills development of people through the Community Based Livelihood Training Centres. These training centres are running to generate opportunity for economical growth. Many NGOs are fighting for the legal right of farmers. Control of Food grains of agriculture and livestock should be in farmer’s hand. Farmers control over their agriculture land, seeds and crop also.


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